Addison Hines Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

On Thursday, September 15, the Elwyn community celebrated a ceremonial ribbon cutting in honor of the opening of the Addison Hines Children’s Residential Treatment and Learning Center (CRTLC).

Tell me more about the CRTLC.

  • The goal of the CRTLC is for a successful reintegration of children and young adults with autism back in their home, community, or least restrictive environment, while improving their quality of life. 
  • The program will provide short-term psychosocial rehabilitation for those ages 8 to 21 with an autism spectrum disorder who have not responded to traditional mental health services due to cognitive limitations and/or medical complexities. 

How will the CRTLC provide support to those in the community?

Through the CRTLC, Elwyn will expand its services and capabilities on its Media campus, offering programming to twice as many children with autism who need residential support. 

Who attended the ceremony?

  • Guests included local government officials, donors, key stakeholders, industry professionals, and community leaders, including Senator John Kane and Representative Chris Quinn, who secured nearly $2 million in funding for the project through the Commonwealth’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program. 
  • Those who came together recognized Addison Hines, a long-time Elwyn supporter, who contributed nearly $2.5 million to Elwyn. Mr. Hines passed away in 2003, and through the CRTLC named in his honor, his generous spirit lives on. 
  • Be respectful of those you work with. Be true to yourself. Arrive early, do your job to the best of your ability each day. Ask questions if you don’t know the answer or how to do something.

    Peter Thomas

    Executive Director of Facility Management
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