Strategic Plan

 2021 – 2024

A Time of Hope and Possibility

The initiatives included in this plan were developed through group discussion between the board of directors, executive leaders, and other key members of the organization. The process was further enhanced with surveys and strategic planning sessions. This plan represents our commitment to pursuing our mission and vision on the way to building a Forever Elwyn. View More Real Estate Progress

Grow and Develop Core Services

Grow and Develop Core Services

  • Expand adult behavioral health services by launching a new service line with our subsidiary, Fellowship Health Resources.  
  • Expand residential children’s services, including acute psychiatry services for children and adolescents with behavioral health needs and autism.
  • Align activities with community and payer priorities.  
  • Expand through suitable and strongly aligned affiliations.

Elwyn’s commitment to growing and developing our services is seen in the recent expansion of adult behavioral health services by acquiring Fellowship Health Resources which has increased our service population by 7,500 individuals and extended our geographical footprint up and down the East Coast. Also, the Children’s Residential Treatment Facility will allow us to double the number of children we can support as part of their continuum of care beyond their acute needs.

Engage Members of Elwyn’s Service Triangle

Engage Members of Elwyn’s Service Triangle

  • Improve the economics for our employees to produce better-than-market recruitment and unrivaled retention.
  • Establish centers of excellence for a variety of professional employees.
  • Develop our staff through training and preparation, creating pathways for both advancement and better-quality service.  
  • Develop and train managers at all levels to be best-in-class leaders.  
  • Invest in facilities and innovation to create pride of membership.

As one of the oldest charities in the nation, Elwyn has many important members and stakeholders. However, none as vital as the three members of Elwyn’s Service Triangle: the individuals we support, their loved ones, and the ‘every-day’ employee. When our priorities are right, everyone wins. 

Invest in Technology and Innovation

Invest in Technology and Innovation

  • Create agile data management capabilities to facilitate high adoption rates and end-user engagement.  
  • Select appropriate electronic record keeping products for Elwyn’s major service areas.
  • Adopt new and relevant platforms to produce strong data analytic capabilities.
  • Work as a team to increase broad access to email and major platforms for Elwyn’s entire workforce.

To be the national leader in our space and provide the highest quality services, we must modernize the organization in every way including updating the technology solutions we use to support innovative approaches to solving complex problems. Our technology will be easy-to use and relevant to our services, making Elwyn both the employer of choice and the provider of choice for all.


Modernize Real Estate

Modernize Real Estate

  • Develop and implement Master Campus Plan in Media including state-of-the-art environments that promote health and healing for residents, students, teachers, staff, and the community.
  • Revitalize our education programs by building new learning environments and a new school. 
  • Divest and monetize real estate for discontinued or consolidated operations.  
  • Align tactical real estate footprint in the City of Philadelphia for high access for families, providers, and all children.
  • Expand sustainable capacity for residential and community-based services for adults with developmental challenges in major regions. 
  • Establish regionalized and national administrative office footprint (PA, NJ, DE, CA, RI/New England). 


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  • What motivates me is continuing to make a difference, both for individuals we support and the staff who support them.

    Gayle Thom

    Director of Operations for Intermediate Care Facilities
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